Friday, April 27, 2012



Remember Jesus was the first Organ/Tissue Donor...He Gave His Entire Body That WE Might LIVE ! As a Heart-Transplant almost 18 year`s post, I think, I know.

What if an organ could be made just for you, when you need it? What if there was no need for transplant wait lists, no lifetime of immunosuppressant drugs, no organ black market ? There is a real, enduring solution to the global organ crisis. is proud to welcome our new sponsors; New Organ Prize and Methuselah Foundation to The Cafe !The New Organ Prize incentivizes and awards the breakthroughs that will make safe, effective replacement organs generated from a patient's own cells readily available. It is a crowd funded prize. It is a grass roots approach to overthrow the current paradigm that is costing thousands their lives and millions the high quality of life they deserve.
Help us grow the prize. Help save and elevate the lives of millions. Celebrate Donate Life Month... April, Click Here to join the 'New Organ Prize' group on Transplant cafe now to connect directly with the organizers, Florina or Dane and find out how ! Or, copy and paste this URL to your browser:
The New Organ Prize. Donate Life by crowdfunding the enduring solution to the worldwide organ shortage.
Visit - The Gift of eLife! at:

To control which emails you receive on - The Gift of eLife!,
click here

"Give The Gift of Life, Be an Organ/Tissue Donor, it`s The Masonic/Christian Thing to Do"!

Fiat Lux

Thursday, April 26, 2012

WHO AM I ? God/Jesus is My Salvation~ You BET`CHA !


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ANDY HOLT(R)76th. District Tennessee ~ Too Good Not To Publish !

Even Your OWN Party Doesn't Want YOU, Andy Holt !

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

By : Blue/Viewed Girl in a Red Minded State

That's right folks. Many moderate Republicans in Nashville want Andy Holt out. I have to admit, you must be pretty awful if your own party doesn't want to keep you in office. In fact, the support coming out from all over the state, and probably even further, for opponent and Democrat Mark Maddox is astonishing. This blog has reached across the state too, as I have been getting inquiries about what people can do to help campaign for Mark and get Andy out of office! I have never seen support, for a candidate at the state level, in my short time here in Tennessee. To be honest, it couldn't go to a better candidate.What happened in 2010, not only here in West Tennessee but across the state, was defeating for democrats. There was a huge backlash from Republicans because of our support for our President and those elected Democrats in Washington. It's an obvious reason why, and certainly those here in the South cannot deny it no matter how sad it is. However, what I am seeing at the emergence of the 2012 campaign season is a completely different outlook to what we saw, and inevitably knew was coming, in 2010. The legislature in this state has taken away rights from anyone who isn't in a high enough tax bracket. Hitting everyone from teachers, to union employees, to women as a whole, to the working class (which if I'm wrong makes up much of Tennessee). They fought to increase privileges for the rich and fortunate, in exchange for about 3 dollars a year savings in sales tax. They introduced legislation to bring slaughterhouses for horses to Tennessee. A bill that would protect teachers who allow the criticism as such scientific theories like evolution in their classrooms. This opens a whole new door about where the separation of church and state comes into play. It wasn't eight months ago that I sitting in a biology lecture at UT Martin listening to an older woman insisting that the bible has proven theories that creationism is in fact certain and the only real and logical scientific theory. She went on and on, and I won't waste your time with her gibberish. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when you start bringing religion into the class that can, and very well may, offend another classmate of mine because they might not be Christian, or they are a Christian and completely accept evolution, but is being told they are wrong and going to hell for doing so IS A PROBLEM. I will go a little further and say that when you start criticizing these ideas and a younger age where students are much more impressionable you will not only be improperly educating our future, you are further lowering our state's "excellence in education." We have fallen back to 47th in the country. FORTY-SEVENTH! We're at the top with spending (thanks to Race to the Top), but at the opposite end in terms of the quality of our education. Yet, we want to protect teachers that allow students to spew fallacies and criticize theories proven true over and over again. We went from a pretty good moderate environment within the state in 2008 to as far right as possible in just a couple years. To me, that's scary. And guess is to a LOT more people now, as well. So with that being said, I'm going to make a guess. With as much disgust there is across the board. Here in the state of Tennessee , including the federal level too, there will be a turnover in incumbents. I can almost guarantee that Andy Holt will not be in office again next January, and some West Tennesseans (not myself sadly) will be able to breathe a collective sigh of relief from the tyranny that is Andy Holt. I encourage more folks that are interested in donating, volunteering, making calls or anything on behalf of Mark Maddox to please let me know. I want to see all of Weakley County and the portions of Obion & Carroll now in the 76th covered with Maddox for State Rep signs, bumper stickers, or anything with his name on it for that matter.
Posted by at

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Editorial : I have tried with no success, to reach out to Mr. Holt. It is most difficult to have a conversation with someone, who know`s everything about everything ! I am unfortunately one of his constituents. I too, hope that changes soon. I highly endorse MARK MADDOX ! For the life of me, I cannot figure out why he would want that JOB again ? Blue Viewed Girl, You have got it RIGHT !

Please be aware that MR. Holt supports horse slaughter and would like a plant in your community ! Whinnie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Seek no Counsel. I`ve TRIED ?

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux


STATE REP. Bill Sanderson 77th. District TENNESSEE

I received this today, April 18, 2012 From Bro./Rep. Bill Sanderson (upper left) 77th. District Tennessee. I have published it, in its entirety. To contact Rep./Bro. Sanderson Click here > < Click on title or link below to go to Bro. Bill Sanderson's State Government web-page !

Brother Don,

Please pass this message to your list of brothers and feel free to share. I did absolutely all that could be done to get the 100% funding for the Widows and Orphans fund. I did have broad support in the House and Senate; however, because there were other license plates in existence but receiving no share of revenue prior to the 1998 license plate re-write, no-one felt we could open the current funding formula that could allow a flurry of new 100% revenue request.

Unfortunately, the bill I filed to allow the Masons and the Fraternal Order of Police charities to receive all the proceeds of the sales of their specialty license plates is not going to pass. After extensive research, it was discovered that at no point was either charity receiving the full amount from the license plate sales, and because of this, there is not an avenue for us to have them grandfathered in under the license plate funding law that originally passed in 1998. Though the plates were in existence prior to that date, they were not receiving any of the funds, and were not included with the other plates that were grandfathered in under this statute. Although both charities go to very worthy causes, there is no grounds for placing them in the old funding structure, and from here on out, they will continue to receive 50% of the proceeds of their sale. FLASH ~ THIS JUST IN>

Bro. Don,

There is a bright side this year. HB 0429/SB 0429 passed and should be signed by the Governor. This law will allow handicap decals to be used on speciality plates. This will allow brothers with handicap plates to purchase the Masonic plate.

Bro. Ricky Boyd


Bill Sanderson,(R) 77th. District Tennessee

Master-Mason, Western Sun#88~Troy TN.

Editorial : Bro. Sanderson, I believe did everything he could, to get this bill passed. We do get 50% that goes to the Masonic Widows and Orphans Benevolence fund. Why the Arts Commission get our Masonic/Money , I do not know ? I do know at one time, we received NO MONEY for the Benevolence Fund ? It is too bad our state Rep`s. do not realize that the more people we help, aid and assist, the less the State does ! The Arts Commission, sounds like a General Fund to this writer. Just dip down and get all you want. No accountability !

Again, Thanks Bro. Bill Sanderson for all of your dedicated work in this matter ! Drop him a e-mail and say "Thank You"!

"May The God of Love and Peace, Delight to Dwell with and Bless You"!

"Loyalty to Country, always. Loyalty to the Government when it deserves it." !

Fiat Lux

Monday, April 16, 2012


The American Workplace?

What's the reward for hard work, creativity, teamwork and loyalty? The Transport Workers (TWU) say it may be pay cuts and givebacks for you and record bonuses for the CEO.
With this new video, "The American Workplace," TWU is pushing back against concessions demanded of American Airlines and American Eagle workers since parent company AMR Corp.'s bankruptcy. The video invites viewers to join TWU in standing up for good, middle-class jobs and fair treatment.

It`$ All About the MONEY ! OUR MONEY !


On tax week, Democrats and Republicans return to Washington gearing up for battle over dueling tax proposals. The separate votes this week will highlight a fundamental divide between the two parties, one that promises to define the choice in the 2012 election.

The Republican-led House is set to take up legislation, spearheaded by Majority Leader Eric Cantor, that lets businesses with fewer than 500 employees deduct as much as 20 percent of their 2012 business income. The bill is projected to cost $46 billion, and the tax benefits are tilted toward high earners, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. Across the Capitol, the Democratic-led Senate is poised to vote Monday on “Buffett Rule” legislation that requires millionaires and billionaires to pay at least 30 percent of their income in taxes. The measure is projected to raise $47 billion over 10 years if the Bush tax cuts expire; Democrats say that number rises to $160 billion under current policy. Neither bill is expected to become law, nor is meaningful tax reform expected to pass this year. The upshot, instead, is essentially to frame the 2012 election. The Republicans goal is to paint themselves as tax-cutters as well as friends of small businesses. Democrats, frustrated with the GOP’s persistent refusal to accept new revenues in any deficit-reduction deal, plan to force Republicans to defend their anti-tax rigidity to its most extreme lengths. David Axelrod, a senior adviser to President Obama’s reelection campaign, sought to draw the contrast with presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney, when asked about the bill’s limited revenue-raising capacity on Fox News Sunday. It’s part of an overall plan that will stabilize our debt and deficit,” he said. “We’re arguing for a system that is fair. He’s arguing for a system that would exacerbate the great gaps we have in our system today.”
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus insisted Sunday that the Buffett Rule is a distraction, and despite polls indicating broad public support for the principle, he said that Republicans are not on the wrong side of the politics.
“It’s all about dividing and conquering,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union. “This is a shiny object that Barack Obama wants the country to look at.”

Editorial : Buffett Rule, a Distraction ? I think not ! Should we look at it ? You bet`cha. Put the BUSH TAX CUTS for Millionaire$ and Billionaire$ back in place. Excuse me, we are not raising TAX`S ! We are leveling the field of play ! If it is good enough for good ole Warren Buffett, it`s good enough for me. Poor ole Eric Cantor(R), never met a Millionaire, he did`nt like ! How about those off-shore accounts ?

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Contact Rep. Holt here > <

HB3761 is below !

Taxes, Sales - As introduced, reduces the state sales tax on food and food ingredients from 5.5 percent to 5.3 percent; requires that the local option sales tax, which under existing law can be in an amount of up to 2.75 percent, be at a rate that is a multiple of 0.25 percent.
Below is a message that Rep. Andrew Holt(R) (TN-76) asked us to pass along in response to the petition “Eliminate Food Sales Tax” (, which you signed. This message was sent through the system, and your email address has NOT been shared with the sender.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The below massage is from Rep. Andy Holt (R) 76th. District Tennessee:
Hello everyone, I wanted to say thanks for your interest and comments regarding the sales tax on food that we have here in the State of Tennessee. I did want to let each of you know that we took a first step today in what I hope will be a set of reductions on the food sales tax into the future. We passed HB3761 which will reduce the taxes Tennesseans pay on food and food ingredients. I will endeavor to continue to reduce this and other taxes in years to come. I hope each of you have a great day and please let me know if I can assist you in the future.

Andy Holt (R) 76th. District~Tennessee
Editorial : I realize that everyone who signed the "REDUCE SALES TAX ON FOOD PETITION" in Tennessee, received this. I hope you are as appalled as I am ? This is for those who did not sign it. HB3761 is a pure political attempt to fool you again with words. You can read about this bill HB3761 by clicking on the HB3761 at top of page. If this law pass`s the Senate ? Which I doubt. You as a food buying taxpayer, will never notice the tax reduction/difference. You can also access it here > HB3761 < While Rep. Holt, has said the right words, he has flim-flamed us again ! A 2 tenths reduction in Sales Tax on Food is almost laughable. This bill in the correct form would have been a real HELP, AID and ASSISTANCE to working Tennesseans. It is pure FLIM-FLAMED us AGAIN...OPPS, I`ve already said that ! Thanks, but NO THANKS REP. HOLT ! Try,Try Again !

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tennessee SENATOR BOB CORKER(R) A 1%`er !


Click here to tell Sen. Corker to Vote for Tennesseans. Not the 1% !

This week Bob Corker announced that he would be voting against the Buffett Rule which would inject just a little bit of fairness back into a tax code that rewards wealthy investors and hurts working families across this country.

Got that ? Bob Corker is fine voting for the Ryan-Romney budget which would end Medicare as we know it and gut investments in our children, all in the name of balancing the budget. But when Wall Street hedge fund managers are asked to pay their fair share, Corker circles the wagons for his wealthy contributors and forgets all about the debt and deficit. Tell Bob Corker to protect our seniors and middle class families, not break their backs to pay for tax giveaways for Wall Street. President Obama said it best, restoring fairness to our tax code is how we'll make this country a little fairer, a little more just, and a whole lot stronger. Please forward this email to 5 friends who want a Senator who will work for the middle class and not the Richest 1%. Tennesseans should be OUTRAGED ! I know, let`s unelect our Millionaire $ENATOR CORKER (R) Tennessee !

Thanks for all you do,

Underdog = Don Jones

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux




Click here for Life & Death story :

What if an organ could be made just for you, when you need it? What if there was no need for transplant wait lists,no lifetime of immunosuppressant drugs, no organ black market ?

There is a real, enduring solution to the global organ crisis. is proud to welcome our new sponsors; New Organ Prize and Methuselah Foundation to The Cafe ! The New Organ Prize incentivizes and awards the breakthroughs that will make safe, effective replacement organs generated from a patient's own cells readily available. It is a crowd funded prize. It is a grass roots approach to overthrow the current paradigm that is costing thousands their lives and millions the high quality of life they deserve. Help us grow the prize. Help save and elevate the lives of millions. Celebrate Donate Life Month... Click Here to join the 'New Organ Prize' group on Transplant cafe now to connect directly with the organizers, Florina or Dane and find out how! Or, copy and paste this URL to your browser:
The New Organ Prize. Donate Life by crowdfunding the enduring solution to the worldwide organ shortage. Visit - The Gift of eLife! at :

"Give The Gift of Life, Be an Organ/Tissue Donor, It`s The Masonic Thing to DO"!

Fiat Lux

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The 99% Solution to the Retirement Security Crisis
Kelly Ross

The Washington Post recently ran a lengthy article explaining the difficulties Americans face in providing for a secure retirement, as traditional pension plans become less common and 401(k) savings accounts prove to be frighteningly inadequate.

But AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka points out that this whole discussion about retirement security fails to mention an obvious solution staring at us right in the face. It’s called Social Security.

Social Security is a phenomenally successful program that represents the very best in American values and has virtually no waste, no corruption and almost no overhead. The biggest problem with Social Security is that its benefits are too low.The average annual Social Security payout for men is just $15,876—barely above the minimum wage. For women, the average is only $12,276barely above the poverty line. By contrast, retirement programs in most other industrialized nations replace a higher share of pre-retirement income.
The AFL-CIO Executive Council adopted a policy
statement last month calling for an across-the-board increase in Social Security benefits and an increase in Social Security COLAs to take into account the health care costs faced by seniors.
The truth is that our retirement system is falling apart at the seams
. Millions of Americans are afraid to retire because they know they can’t maintain their standard of living in retirement, and more and more seniors have to keep working well past the age when they should be retiring. It is time to modernize Social Security benefits to reflect fundamental changes in our economy, such as the decline of traditional pensions, the loss of home equity experienced by millions of Americans in the Great Recession and the growth of health care costs. Recently, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) introduced the Rebuild America Act, which includes a proposal to increase Social Security benefits across the board and to make Social Security COLAs more accurately reflect health care costs, while extending the solvency of the Social Security trust fund for another 16 years, until 2052.Yet most of the discussion about Social Security in Washington, D.C., is about cutting benefits. The Republican budget recently offered by Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) endorses benefit cuts such as increasing the retirement age.There is a huge disconnect between elite opinion and popular opinion when it comes to Social Security benefits. The overwhelming majority of working Americans of every political persuasion in every part of the country “get” the absolutely critical importance of adequate Social Security benefits, but our elites just don’t seem to get it. Trumka says:America’s unions invite others to join us in calling for an across-the-board increase in Social Security benefits.”

"Social Security is the solution, not the problem".

Editorial : President Trumka, you`ve got it right ! Too bad Washington isn`t listening !

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Name is America ~ God Bless America !


" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


WASHINGTON -- As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.).
West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he's "heard" that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post
reported. There are currently 190 House Democrats. West spokeswoman Angela Melvin later defended West's comments -- and clarified to whom West was referring. "The Congressman was referring to the 76 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The Communist Party has publicly referred to the Progressive Caucus as its allies. The Progressive Caucus speaks for itself. These individuals certainly aren't proponents of free markets or individual economic freedom," Melvin said in a statement to The Huffington Post.
West's campaign also sent over the transcript of the actual exchange that took place during the town hall to show that West was asked directly about the role of communists in the House.

During the same event, which took place at Jensen

Moderator: What percentage of the American legislature do you think are card-carrying Marxists or International Socialist ? West: It's a good question. I believe there's about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party. It's called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Beach, the freshman Republican said President Barack Obama wouldn't have a public debate with him over their policy differences because he was "scared." The president was in Florida on Tuesday giving remarks about the economy and holding campaign events.

"I really wish that, standing here before you, was Allen West and President Obama," West said, according to the Palm Beach Post. "We could have a simple discussion. But that ain't ever gonna happen."
When an audience member asked why, West said in "a mocking voice" that it was because Obama "was too scared."
WATCH West's comments in the video above.

Editorial : I have a question ? How does a NUT like this get elected ? And we wonder what`s wrong with our politics ! WEST and politicians/people like him.

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



The National Bureau of Economic Research released a study that we thought you'd like to know about. The research investigates the authenticity and pricing of prescription drugs obtained from online pharmacies.

Key findings:

Online pharmacy verification works: all drugs ordered from verified U.S. and international pharmacies were determined to be authentic.
Online pharmacies based in the U.S. charge an average of 52.5 percent more than verified international pharmacies for four top-selling, brand-name drugs.
The research concludes that the FDA’s blanket assessment that all foreign pharmacies are unsafe is inaccurate and potentially harmful to consumers who need access to medicine they can afford. This study confirms our position that importation can be a safe, money-saving option for consumers. As I have said before, a drug that is unaffordable is neither safe nor effective.

PhRMA Critique of Recent AARP Rx Drug Report:
The AARP’s Public Policy Institute released a research report last month that caused quite a stir. The study found a 26 percent increase in retail prices for the prescription drugs most widely used by older adults from 2005-2009. This is double the rate of inflation over that period.Not surprisingly, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)—big pharma’s lobbying arm—was quick to criticize the report and defend high drug prices.

Editorial : If You`re s Senior, you are on drugs, one way or the other. Seniors are BIG MONEY !

Fiat Lux

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


Amerikkka's Last Stand ?

04/ 9/2012

My unshakeable belief in the power of encouragement, compassion and patience is what allows me to have constructive dialogue with people from all walks of life.

All I know is that if you want to find success in this world, you better always be looking to build on the common threads you share with people. Some of the toughest bridges to build in this country remain those that span our racial divides. I'll concede that promoting tolerance over fear and rigidness can be daunting. But, let us take notice, there are some people in our country who are fighting with every ounce of energy that they have to promote hate, racism and bigotry. I want to warn them now, that anyone whose mission is keeping people apart is swimming against a very strong tide. Charles Dickens began A Tale Of Two Cities, with a line that speaks to the past few weeks, " It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... " We have seen incredible unity surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin, while at the same time we have seen some use his death as an opportunity to continue to spew vile hate. Just this past weekend we saw the community of North Tulsa terrorized by two white suspects who allegedly killed three black men and injured two others... and on one of their facebook pages, the words "fucking n**ger" were written. The KKK has decided to show up in Sanford, Florida to patrol the streets. Someone near Detroit changed an electronic road sign to read "Trayvon is a n**ger." We have seen a rise in hatred in this country ever since President Obama took office. It seems like the hate-mongers woke up one day and realized, "we got a n*gger in the White House," so let's bring this country down. This is their last stand. This is the last battle we must fight. But, let us not forget the most effective and easiest way to change people is through love. Barack Obama inspired this nation to strive for a more perfect union, when he ran for President in 2008. In his now famous speech on race that he gave in Philadelphia at the height of us his election against Hillary Clinton, he told us, This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected. And today, whenever I find myself feeling doubtful or cynical about this possibility, what gives me the most hope is the next generation -- the young people whose attitudes and beliefs and openness to change have already made history in this election.These words and his actions during his presidency, along with the actions of hundreds of millions of patriotic Americans have allowed us to envision an America that looks beyond race, that celebrates our rich diversity and that heals from the deep wounds we have suffered in the past. My two beautiful daughters are multi-racial. My grandchildren will be multi-racial. And my grandchildren's grandchildren will be multi-racial. This is what America, the beautiful is becoming. A country of sons and daughters that are made up of the pot that will truly be melted. We must endure the last attempts to stop us. We must fight against the few that think their voice of hate matters. We must fight the hatred with compassion, love and resilience. For if we overcome this obstacle in our path towards equality, our nation will be the beacon of hope that we all aspire for her to be.

Editorial : I once heard a saying, that goes like this,"Divide and Conquer" ! Mr. Simmons, you have it correct ! Thank You, so much ! I needed this.

Fiat Lux

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Monday, April 09, 2012


By Don Jones, Heart-Transplant#189~Vanderbilt

Tennessee Donor Service here >

Imagine how many lives could be saved if we all signed up.


18 people will die each day waiting for an organ, 1 Organ Donor can save up to 8 lives !

"Give The Gift of Life, Be an Organ/Tissue Donor, it`s the Masonic Thing to Do"!

As a Heart Recipient, I have received "The Gift of Life"! I beg and beseech you to Give/Donate "The Gift of Life"!

Thanks for all you do ,

Underdog = Don Jones

Fiat Lux


American Rights at Work

Launches Union-Made Guide...
Mike Hall

Our friends at American Rights at Work (ARAW) have just launched a new feature to help consumers find union-made products. The Union Shop: A Guide to What’s Union-Made (click here) breaks products into sections from Apparel to Home Improvements, Sweets and Snacks and many more to help buyers use their purchasing power to support good U.S. jobs. A recent ARAW survey found that most Americans are eager to support workers by buying union-made products, but 82 percent said they had trouble finding products that make the cut.
Every week ARAW’s Blog at Work will feature a new post profiling a union-made product or service. Check out the latest
here. You also can find union-made products at the AFL-CIO’s Union Label and Service Trades Department (UL&STD). Just click on the yellow “Search for Union Products” box on the right side of the home page here. Other shopping links include the AFL-CIO's Union Shop page, with links to affiliate union shopping pages; Unionmade Goods; Justice Clothing and Union-Made Clothing Discounts from Union Plus.

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux

Friday, April 06, 2012



It should be noted that Rep. Steve Cohen(D), District#9-Memphis(upper right) was one of the original sponsors of this bill !

This week President Barack Obama signed into law the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, which prohibits commodities and securities trading based on nonpublic information relating to Congress and require additional reporting by members and employees of Congress. While the bill is not perfect, it will put an end to trading on inside knowledge by Members of Congress and their staff, and I am proud to have been one of the original nine sponsors of the bill. You can read President Obama’s remarks on the bill here.

Editorial: It is so sad that our elected officials need oversight. However, they do ! Thank you Mr. President. Thank you Congressman Cohen !

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux

Minimum Wage is STARVATION WAGE`S !


Clicking here will automatically add your name to this petition to Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker both from Tennessee:

"It is time to raise the minimum wage to jump start our economy. Support Senator Tom Harkin's bill that calls for raising the minimum wage from the current level of $7.25 to $9.80 — a 35 percent increase."

Automatically add your name:

Tell Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker: Raise the minimum wage to jump start the American economy.

Imagine having to feed your family, pay rent and basic services at the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
There is not a single state in America where a worker living on current federal minimum wage can afford a two-bedroom unit working a standard 40-hour work week.

(1.) What's more, in 2011 a minimum-wage worker after working 40 hours per week for a full year would have just one hour's worth of wages left over to spend on rent and other basic services, after paying for family health-insurance coverage.

(2.) Tell Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker: Co-sponsor Senator Tom Harkin's bill to raise the minimum wage. Click here to automatically sign the petition. American families deserve better than this as our economy slowly inches out of its worst downturn since the Great Depression. We need to increase the minimum wage now, which will help millions of American families by putting them on a solid economic track. Fortunately, Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has introduced the "Rebuild America Act," which calls for raising the minimum wage from the current level of $7.25/hour to $9.80/hour — a 35 percent increase — over the course of two and a half years and then index it so it rises automatically in the future with the cost of living.
(3.) We need to generate support for Senator Harkin's legislation because increasing the minimum wage would increase spending power for working class Americans and boost consumer confidence, revving up the nation's economic engine. Along with our friends at AFL-CIO, we believe raising the minimum wage of our workers is a "proven and effective way" to jump start our economy.
(4.) Senator Harkin's legislation is an effective vehicle to provide that jump start.
Tell Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker: Co-sponsor Senator Tom Harkin's bill to raise the minimum wage. Click here to automatically sign the petition. The high unemployment rates that were a legacy of the Bush administration have put enormous downward pressure on wages, as employers have not felt the need to offer competitive wages to hold on to workers. The resulting low wages have increased "child and family poverty" and continue to drive up the gulf of inequality between the 1% and the 99% in America.
(5.) Raising the minimum wage is critical for our economy, as the current rate of $7.25 has not kept pace with inflation and is well below its peak value in 1968. If the minimum wage had kept pace with inflation, it would currently be at $10.52.6
We need Congress to raise the minimum wage now to ensure that America's working class income earners are not falling behind in our current economic climate.
Tell Senators Lamar Alexander(R) and Bob Corker(R) from Tennessee: Co-sponsor Senator Tom Harkin's bill to raise the minimum wage. Click below to automatically sign the petition:
The more Senators we can convince to get behind Senator Harkin's legislation, the greater leverage he will have to push Senate leadership to move his bill to the Senate Floor for a vote.

Editorial : I really believe sending this to our two REPUBLICAN SENATORS in Tennessee IS A WASTE of time, but, You never know ? Remember they both VOTED AGAINST MINIMUM WAGE, LAST GO ROUND !

Thank you for all you do,

Underdog = Don Jones

" two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"! a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Fiat Lux