Saturday, May 14, 2011

Social Security & Medicare Trust Fund Reports

Social Security, Medicare Trust Fund Reports Released

The Social Security trust fund report came out today and found that Social Security will remain solvent through 2036, a year earlier than was forecast in 2010.

“Social Security is doing exactly what it is supposed to do – assuring full payment to beneficiaries, without delay. However, we cannot afford to keep the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans,” The Medicare trustees report was also issued today, saying Medicare will be able to completely pay its bills until 2024, five years sooner than last year's projection of 2029. “The Affordable Care Act will save nearly $120 billion for Medicare over the next five years. Imagine where we would be without that,” “We must do more to create high-quality American jobs, which will lead to more people paying into the system.” If you have not read my blog, "Social Security ~ The Answers You`ve Always Wanted", I suggest you do ! Link below. or click on the title of this article.

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