Tuesday, March 20, 2012


REPUBLICANS on ATTACK ! TARGET`s = Social Security & Medicare

Why is it the Republican Party/Tea Party Want to Balance The Budget on the Backs of SENIORS ? Back/Middle Class ? Social Security and Medicare, the two best tax-payer programs ever devised !

The House Republicans’ plan to end Medicare as we know it is coming back this week. Please take this opportunity to share information about this reckless plan with your friends and family. The House GOP budget would fundamentally change Medicare from a single-payer plan that provides guaranteed benefits and coverage into a voucher plan designed to pay a portion of premiums to private insurance companies. Representative Paul Ryan's (upper left) budget plan would so drastically change the way America’s seniors are provided health care coverage that it becomes a completely unrecognizable, inferior and dangerous program.
The Ryan plan essentially would revoke the guarantees that provide seniors and people with disabilities a specific set of benefits and services, replacing it with vouchers covering a portion of premiums to private insurance companies. If Republicans get rid of the guarantees to benefits and services, it will destroy the Medicare program that seniors have relied on for nearly 50 years.
They talk about providing a traditional Medicare option at first, but the way they designed this guarantees it will soon fail and have to be eliminated.
We have paid into the Medicare system our entire working lives.
Under the GOP's plan, guaranteed coverage would be phased out over time. When we retire, whether that’s in 10 years or 40, we would be enrolling in a Medicare system based solely on private insurance companies. Private insurers seek to maximize profits while minimizing costs. This leads to a health care system that wasn't designed to ensure that seniors get quality care, but instead is designed to line the pockets of insurance company executives. Click here to share information about this dangerous plan with your friends and family. In the coming weeks we will send you more information about this attack on Medicare.

Fiat Lux

Thanks for all you do ,

Underdog = Don Jones

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