Friday, March 16, 2012


Senate Passes Amendment for Stronger Buy America Preferences in Transportation Project

Watch Iowa Floor Speech here >


Today the U.S. Senate passed an amendment offered by Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) to strengthen Buy America preferences for transportation projects.

The Brown-Merkley amendment #1819 improves the effectiveness of existing Buy America preferences for transportation projects by boosting transparency, requiring annual reporting on the use of waivers, and closing an egregious "segmenting" loophole that can be used to evade Buy America.The amendment was adopted unanimously by voice vote. Meanwhile, in the House of Representatives, Representative Chip Cravaack (R-MN) was successful in attaching similar language to a House version during consideration by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.The Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) congratulates Senators Brown and Merkley for their leadership on Buy America. Together, these improvements will help to ensure that tax dollars spent on transportation projects support American workers and do not unnecessarily subsidize workers in China or elsewhere.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iowa State Senate Passes Buy American Act

Earlier this week, the Iowa Senate voted 37-13 to pass (SF2287.)

The Iowa Buy American Act (Senate File 2287), sponsored by Senator Dotzler, Senator Bolkcom, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal and others, would require contracts for public improvements to use U.S.-produced iron, steel and manufactured goods. The requirement may be waived if it is not in the public interest, if American products are not available in sufficient quantities, or if the cost of the contract would increase by more than 5 percent.
The legislation now goes to the Iowa House.


Editorial : It is amazing to this writer, that we need amendments or laws to support AMERICA ? Sometimes, not often, our elected officials, get it right ! The U.S. Senate got it Right ! The Iowa State Senate got it Right ! I`m wondering if Tennessee`s State Officials would follow Iowa`s example ? Ya` Think ?

Fiat Lux

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