UnitedRubberWorkers & UnitedSteelWorkers Last Family Picnic !
by: Underdog = Don Jones
Underdog = http://wwwsecondchance.blogspot.com/
Dear Brothers & Sisters;
Today I went to my/our last union family picnic in Union City Tennessee. On my drive to Union City from Martin to the fair grounds, I wondered if anyone would show up ? I thought about the early days, Please remember, I was the first director for this wonderful event. It all began in 1984, when Mike Stanley was President (upper right) of Local#878 United Rubber Workers. He called me into his office, sat me down and preceded to ask me to chair/direct the first ever Union Local#878-Picnic. He told me to do this job assignment, first class, keep him informed and no alcohol allowed. I could choose a union worker to co-chair with me. I did. Safety Man and lifelong friend, Guy D. Foster was my choice. Little did I know,What a perfect choice, I made. Together we built this family picnic from nothing, to one of the nicest events in the state. Now, do not misunderstand me, we had lots of volunteer help. Remember, we had little local union money. We put in long hours for many days. However, it became a labor of love ! We went as far as Memphis to get concessions and rides for the kids. I could mention a lot of names of those who contributed their time and money to our picnic. I won`t, I would miss someone and hurt feelings.Today`s picnic was magnificent. I`m not sure how many people were there ? However, I feel it was one of the largest crowds in our history. How appropriate for our last picnic ! My guess is 5,000 ! Damrons Bar BQ in Martin catered this last hurrah. As usual his Bar BQ was GREAT ! Union families are nice families ! They are not thugs or hoods or vandals, as a lot of political pundits refer to you and I as. They are Fathers and Mothers trying to make a living for their families ! Ricky Waggoner, President (upper left) of Local#878-L Goodyear Tire plant in Union City Tennessee, gave his all to trying to save Union City, if you see him, tell him "Thank You" ! For all that he tried to do ! It is now Closed. I worked there almost 25 years. I hate that it is now a part of history. Today, I saw a lot of old acquaintances/fellow workers and some, I did not see, they have gone on to their rewards in heaven. We re-newed old times, and talked about the future. I had one fellow worker ask me about a home coming event next year ? I laughed, I told him at my age, next year was a gamble ! I`m wondering if it would work ? Maybe, just maybe. I`ll talk to Guy D. About it ? I would like to say Thank You to those who were working in the plant when it shut down. You were magnificent ! You won and still Goodyear Corporate/Richard J. Kramer and Todd Turner, shut you down. To those rank and file members on the floor. Keep the faith and God`s Speed to all of you ! Remember, until your poiliticians fix trade, nothing will get better. With warmest and solidarity regard, I remain
Lux e tenebris
In deo fiducia nostra
Editorial : I said that I was not gonna mention politics on this blog. I`ve changed my mind. Remember, REPUBLICANS are not your/labors friends. It is as simple as that !
Great job Don, as usual !
Thank you my friend and brother for all you do and have done for humanity !
GOD truly will bless you richly both here on earth and in heaven. Your treasures and crowns shall be many!
Your friend and brother,
Mike Stanley
I also enjoyed the last Union Picnic very much, I did not have the luck of meeting you one last time, but always enjoyed your friendship during the many picnics before. I read your blog often and agree with much you say. It was so great to see the many I have worked with one last time at the picnic! Thanks for all you have done.
ReplyDeleteTerry Howard
Dear Terry ; 9/25/11
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the unsung hero`s....Thank You !