Friday, September 16, 2011

Tennesseans Need Jobs...Good Paying Jobs ! Republicans Do Nothing !

Strengthen Tennessee's Fiscal House By Putting Tennesseans Back to Work

Tennessee's unemployed not impressed by the Haslam-Ramsey 'bond rating dog-and-pony show'

NASHVILLE — State Democratic Party Chairman Chip Forrester urged Tennessee's top Republicans to consider a jobs plan to keep the state's fiscal house in order.

"The surest way to strengthen our state's fiscal house is to put 300,000 Tennesseans back to work. If Ron Ramsey (upper right) and Governor Bill Haslam(upper left) put half the effort they expend wooing corporate campaign donations into a common sense jobs plan, Tennessee would get there a lot faster." Forrester pressed Gov. Bill Haslam and Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey for action on the state's job crisis in statement Wednesday following the Republicans' meeting with Wall Street bond rating agencies. At 9.8 percent, Tennessee's unemployment rate remains well beyond the national average. "This bond rating dog and pony show for Wall Street executives looks obnoxious to the 300,000 Tennesseans who are struggling to find work and provide for their families," Forrester said. "They'd like to see a day when the numbers we brag about are Tennessee's low unemployment rate and high economic output. "There's no doubt Wall Street was impressed with Governor Haslam's contingency plan to fire 5,000 workers and eliminate crucial services that keep families healthy, children educated and the disabled properly cared for. However, Tennesseans who've seen this extreme plan are not so enthusiastic," Chip Forrester said. "Haslam's slash-and-burn budget would send our state into an even more severe economic tailspin and prompt a societal crisis that would diminish the quality of life for every Tennessean."
This summer
Gov. Haslam instructed state department heads to plan for 30 percent budget cuts to be enacted if Tennessee receives less federal funding.

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More Americans/Tennesseans fell below the poverty line last year, according to U.S. Census Bureau data released Tuesday. The nation's poverty rate rose to 15.1% in 2010, up from 14.3% in 2009 and to its highest level since 1993. Last year marked the third year in a row the rate increased. All told, 46.2 million people are considered in need. In addition, real median household income last year was $49,445, a 2.3% decline, the Census Bureau reported.

Editorial : Tennessee is now completely Republican controled ! How do you like it now Tennesseans ?

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