In the past, our nation was able to move forward on landmark legislation that established workers’ rights, civil rights, retirement security, and much more. But today, the current rules that govern the U.S. Senate are halting progress, even when a solid majority supports legislation. Tactics like the “silent” filibuster – where a Senator can bring a bill to a halt by merely saying that he or she will filibuster – allow individual Senators to hold the nation’s work hostage.
So what is a filibuster ? Filibusters are long, exhaustive speeches by Senators to block all or parts of a bill. They were once reserved for rare occasions, such as when Sen. Strom Thurmond launched his record-setting 24 hour and 18 minute attempt to stop to the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Today, the “silent” filibuster happens all the time – 385 times since 2006. Sixty votes are needed to stop a filibuster, so the Senate now needs a super-majority to get anything done. The “silent” filibuster has derailed many USW priorities including the Employee Free Choice Act, the Bring Jobs Home Act and more.
Senate rules on the filibuster need to be
Those decisions will be made next week!
Senate Resolution 4 (S. Res. 4) would replace the
current “silent” filibuster with the traditional “talking” filibuster,
encouraging accountability by making the filibuster a public exercise and
discouraging frivolous misuse. S. Res. 4 ensures that you cannot filibuster
what’s called a “motion to proceed” which simply brings a bill up for debate.
It also modifies the amount of time that can be spent on nominations and
prevents Senators from filibustering when a conference committee is needed to
resolve differences in House and Senate bills. Those decisions will be made next week!
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