Monday, December 31, 2012


HELLO ~ 2013

Goodbye 2012. . . Bring on 2013!   
As the year comes to a close, we want to acknowledge the work that you do to make sure the voices of working people are part of the debate wherever policy is decided.  Once again, nobody does it like our union!  In 2012, you:
  • Took on China.  This time, you stood up for hundreds of thousands of Steelworkers whose livelihood is threatened by China’s predatory, protectionist and illegal tactics to dominate manufacturing in the auto supply sector. You pushed your lawmakers to sign on to a letter to the President and wrote letters to the editor.  The result?  The President launched a trade case.
  • Stood up to outsourcing.  You supported the Bring Jobs Home Act by calling Congress and taking part in over 90 events nationwide.  You rallied to expose outsourcers and highlighted those who are insourcing.  You met with lawmakers to build support and protested outside of the offices of opponents.  You marched in parades and spoke out in the press.  Despite the bill being blocked in both the House and Senate, the issue would resurface in the year-end fiscal negotiations.
  • Got voters registered.   We have reports of over 14,000 voters getting registered through this year’s national voter registration drive, while countless others confirmed their registration status.  Special thanks goes to Districts 12, 7 and 9 for topping the nation in both numbers registered and the percentage of locals participating.
  • Stood up to bad cuts.  You fought cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in the year-end fiscal negotiations and spoke out against more tax breaks for the wealthiest 2%.  You participated in multiple call-in days and local events across the country.  The most recent reports show this is making a difference.
  • Fought for workers’ rights everywhere.  You opposed deceptive “right to work” laws and other anti-worker legislation (and ballot initiatives) in states across the country. You acted proactively to maximize Buy American in state projects and put pro-worker issues on the ballot. 
  • Educated, empowered and engaged.  In one year’s time, you circulated over 150 different InfoAlerts, ActionCalls, Feedback Reports and Candidate Comparisons.  You also joined us on our new facebook page, which hit 1,000 “likes” this fall. 
  • Took part in hundreds of training sessions designed to build local Rapid Response programs.  That includes the 700+ attendees taking part in the first-ever Regional Rapid Response Conferences held earlier this year. 
We know that our work is far from done, but with great activists like you and a drive to bring back the middle class, we will make a difference.  Have a very happy New Year, and we’ll see you in 2013!

“We must close union offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike." !   Adolph Hitler - May 2,1933 
Fiat Lux

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