Tuesday, December 04, 2012


TENNESSEE HAS The RIGHT to Work for less, How`s That Working For you ? Not too Good !

Working America recently created a petition on SignOn.org entitled ""Right to Work" is Wrong for Michigan"—and we'd like to know what you think of it.
The petition is addressed to The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Rick Snyder, and reads:
Please support Michigan workers and vote against the so-called "right to work" bill. Instead of attacking worker's rights, the Michigan legislature should focus on the issues they were sent to address: creating good-paying jobs for Michiganders.
Here's what Working wrote about it:
A group of right-wing politicians in Lansing want to push through a harmful "right to work" bill in Michigan. In states that have passed so-called "right to work" laws, wages are lower and worker injuries are more common. Tell Michigan lawmakers to protect workers and vote against the so-called "right to work" bill.
Can you click to let us know what you think?
We'll decide whether to send this petition out to additional MoveOn members in your area based on your feedback. In case you haven't heard about it, SignOn.org is a new website where anyone can start an online petition and share it with friends and neighbors to build support for their cause.
Thanks for all you do. 
Underdog = Don Jones
Fiat Lux
“We must close union offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike." ! Adolph Hitler - May 2,1933
 "Democracy...is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"!
Liberty...is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote

Editorial : Thanks to my friend in Hersey Michigan for this one.
"There is only one thing worse than unanswered questions...unquestioned answers."

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