Tennessee’s Senators Abandon Veterans
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – a bill that would assist veterans. In a stunning display of indifference towards the needs of America’s bravest, Senate Republicans voted today to block work to ensure employment for our veterans who return home after serving their
country (Senate Roll Call).
“Over the past few years, Americans have become increasingly frustrated
with the Republican politicians in Washington who have committed themselves to
stopping progress on creating jobs and growing our economy,” said Chip
Forrester, Chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party. “Few of us could have
imagined that their commitment to hurting our economy to spite the president
would extend to turning a blind eye toward the needs of our veterans.” Despite garnering 58 votes in support of the bill, Senate Republicans were
able to use procedural gimmicks to block the ‘Veterans Jobs Corps Act of 2012’
which would provide “$1 billion over five years to hire 20,000 young veterans
for public lands jobs and prioritize vets for first responder jobs such as
police, firefighter, or EMT. The measure would have also provided young vets
access to the infrastructure with which to assist in job searches, such as
access to computers, internet and career services advisers” (ThinkProgress). Tennessee Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob
Corker joined their fellow obstructionist Republicans in blocking passage of
this important legislation.
“It is shameful to see Republicans use our veterans like political pawns
when we should be doing everything in our power to ensure our heroes can
successfully transition back to civilian life,” Forrester said. “Tennesseans
should call or write Senators Alexander and Corker and demand they reverse
course and put the needs of Tennessee Veterans above their political goal of
sabotaging the president.”
Contact Information for Tennessee’s Senators who voted against the
Veterans Job Corp Act:
Sen. Lamar Alexander
455 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Sen. Bob Corker
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
"Democracy...is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to
have for lunch"!
Liberty...is a well-armed lamb contesting the
Fiat Lux
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