To the Editor, Weakley County Press
Two years ago District 76 voted to replace long-time state representative Mark Maddox with newcomer Andy Holt. Mr. Holt’s representation is now a matter of public record. I can think of no stronger argument for returning Mr. Maddox to Nashville.
Mr. Holt has supported legislation to take rights from teachers, as well as to dictate what can and cannot be said in a public school classroom. He supported requiring a photo identification to vote.
In a return to the embarrassment of the Scopes “monkey trial,” Mr. Holt voted in favor of allowing the challenge of scientific theories in the classroom.
The horrific case of animal abuse in Weakley County earlier this year illustrates how important it is to have multiple, easily accessible avenues for reporting such behavior. Mr. Holt sponsored a bill, thankfully defeated in committee, that would hold citizens exposing such crimes via the media or social networks in violation of law.
Continuing with animals, he sponsored a bill to allow horses to be slaughtered for meat in our state. It is common practice in many countries to consume horse meat, but not in the United States. I do not understand why we would want to take on the task of slaughtering the animals in a country that finds this practice abhorrent.
Mr. Holt sponsored a bill to allow home visits that must be conducted by case workers and counselors to be held using the SKYPE program. It is unrealistic to think that all the necessary information that is collected during an actual in-home visit could be gathered through a computer screen.
Mr. Maddox gave Tennessee the no sales tax holiday, the do-not-call list limiting the number of telemarketing calls placed to private residences, sponsored legislation ending the probationary teaching license which eliminated reams of cumbersome paperwork. His work made it more difficult to sell nitrous oxide to minors. He held regular meetings throughout the district for the purpose of listening to his constituents.
Furthermore, he was a friend to the Tennessee Education Association, The Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth, the juvenile court and the Department of Children’s Services. He consistently supported legislation to protect our most vulnerable citizens.
Both Andy Holt and Mark Maddox are devoted family men. Both are professionals with many years’ experience in their respective fields. Both hold office in their churches. But only one is the right choice for District 76. Please join me in voting to return Mark Maddox to the Tennessee House of Representatives.
Joyce Hale
Ditto : Underdog = Don Jones
Fiat Lux
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