Friday, January 06, 2012

The Right to Work Law ! Who is it Good For ?

The Right to Work Law = Definition-Explanation

The Right to Work for Less !

By Don Jones = Underdog


Click here for exclusive/independant explanation >

Almost everyone in the country has heard the phrase, "My state has the right to work law". My state of Tennessee has this law. I don`t like it. However being a law abiding citizen, I obey this law. What it translates to is the following. If you work at a job where there is a union already in existence for that job, you are not required to join that union or any union for that matter. That is the law. However, if you`re union(remember the union is you) in that facility negotiates a contract between you and your employer, whether it be hourly/money increases or benefits, by law you must and will receive those negotiated increases. In other words, you reap all of the benefits and pay no tax`s/dues. Kinda like in today's world, the millionaires and billionaires pay no tax`s and the middle class picks up the tab. I call the Right to Work law, "The Right to Work for Less" Where there is no union (that`s you) you have no rights. You cannot negotiate for anything. Your voice is non-existent. The company you work for dictates all. That is provided you work for that company ? You might work for a Job Finder, oh you go to work at a manufacturing facility, but you work for Job Finder. Low hourly pay and no benefits. "Right to Work Law" is now and always has been anti-worker. I have a Right to Work, sounds good, does it ? In most legislatures, who pass these obscene laws, they make it sound like, it is such a wonderful thing ! It is NOT ! It is pandering to manufacturers. It is the suppression of workers. Prior to the passage of the Taft–Hartley Act by Congress over President Harry S Truman's veto in 1947, unions and employers covered by the National Labor Relations Act could lawfully agree to aclosed shop, in which employees at unionized workplaces must be members of the union as a condition of employment. Under the law in effect before the Taft-Hartley amendments, an employee who ceased being a member of the union for whatever reason, from failure to pay dues to expulsion from the union as an internal disciplinary punishment, could also be fired even if the employee did not violate any of the employer's rules.The Taft–Hartley Act outlawed the closed shop. In some states, there is still closed shop, which means you must join the union. Click here for non-biased explanation. >>>>>>>>>>>> If you are employed in one of the 22 states that has a Right to Work law, you are probably protected by the state's Right to Work law and cannot be required to join or pay dues or fees to a union. (There are a small number of exceptions to the basic rule that individuals who work in Right to Work states cannot be required to pay to join or pay dues or fees to a union. Employees of airlines and railroads, and employees working on property subject to exclusive federal jurisdiction, cannot be required to join a union, but may be required to pay union fees. If you are an airline or railroad employee, click here for an explanation of your rights. If you work on property subject to exclusive federal jurisdiction, call the Foundation for further information.) These politicians who advocate Right to Work Laws,, who do they represent ? MONEY ! BIG MONEY ! NOT YOU AND I !

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