Monday, January 23, 2012


In Online Townhall, Mich. Gov. Snyder(R)Opposes Right To WORK for Less LAW ?...

Following the State of the State address last week, Michigan’s Gov. Rick Snyder(R) held an online town hall meeting. Participating on Twitter using the hash tag #Ask Gov Snyder, union workers, the Michigan State AFL-CIO and progressive allies kept the questions coming – on jobs, needed infrastructure investments and education.

Many of the #Ask Gov Snyder tweets reflected priorities outlined in the Michigan 2012 Jobs Plan, introduced by Michigan State AFL-CIO President Karla Swift. The Jobs Plan has the support of a broad coalition of affiliate unions of the Michigan AFL-CIO and allies, including the Michigan League for Human Services, Progress Michigan and We Are the People. Many of the same organizations – and individual union members – joined in the Twitter Town Hall. The diverse voices asking tough questions were noted by Michigan Public Radio. The Town Hall was also a great opportunity to educate the community on “right to work” for less. When Snyder answered a question by opposing “right to work,” workers and community groups spread the news far and wide. With extremist politicians in Michigan, as well as Indiana, New Hampshire and across the country pushing so-called “right to work,” educating the public about these unnecessary and divisive anti-worker laws couldn’t be more timely. Check out some of the #Ask Gov Snyder Tweets … and look for opportunities to #AskYourElectedOfficials about the issues that matter.

MIAFLCIO Michigan AFL-CIO: We’re waiting to hear more about reinvesting in schools, infrastructure, and public safety. Is this going to happen? How?

MIAFLCIO Michigan AFL-CIO: Gov. Snyder repeats: “Right to Work is not on my agenda.” Issue is divisive… let’s focus on job creation.

migov: We need to take the best practicies by these economic development organizations and share them to enable everyone to do well.

migov: Q5: Where is the support for northern Michigan? We need business building opportunities throughout the state

mitchellrivard: Gov. Snyder: Will you support Ruth Johnson’s voter disenfranchisement bills to make it harder for minorities to vote?

MIAFLCIO Michigan AFL-CIO: Don’t forget, tonight is Gov. Snyder’s online town hall. Starts at 6, hashtag is #AskGovSnyder. What questions would you like him to answer?

mitchellrivard: Gov. Snyder: Why have you repeatedly changed the way “progress” is measured on your dashboard to tilt data in your favor?

ProgressMich: #AskGovSnyder when will you start actually leading, instead of meekly saying things aren’t on your agenda before signing them anyway?

ProgressMich: #AskGovSnyder why won’t the Educational Achievement Authority be ready until fall? Its “chancellor” is making $400k ! Click here for more info :

Theresthatbear Jille, Explain how Whirlpool fired 5000 employees but doubled its “earnings” in 2011 due to state & fed subsidies. Some job creator. They went to Mexico !

Mitchellrivard: Gov. Snyder: Why are you hijacking democracy in Michigan cities by appointing Emergency Managers who make six-figure salaries? #AskGovSnyder This one is a direct reference, in regard to Detroit !

Editorial : Gov. Snyder(R) Michigan, does`nt say he`s opposed to "Right to Work for Less" ! It just isn`t on his agenda. Actually, The Republican party may kick him out of the party for this non-action on RTW !.. For whatever reason, Gov. Snyder (R) Michigan. Thank You ! You are right on this one. Contact Gov. Snyder here >

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