Drugs are Going Up ?
Contact Your Cong. here>http://www.congress.org/congressorg/directory/congdir.tt
It appears that Congress is hell-bent on fast tracking the legislation we've been warning you about (SOPA and PROTECT IP). If these proposals prevail, "we the people" lose and Big Pharma/Drug Co.`s win--big time. It is expected that the House Judiciary Committee will be marking up (amending) SOPA on Thursday (see info below). The health of hundreds of thousands of Americans is riding on this bill. You need to act now. Use our easy online system to send a letter to your representatives today urging them to stop SOPA. SOPA will literally kill online drug importation/Canada. It will guarantee that the drug industry can continue to charge exorbitant prices and rake in obscene profits. Meanwhile, an increasing number of Americans will suffer or even die because they can't afford their needed medications--and this is not an overstatement.
SOPA Markup:
Since it is expected that SOPA (H.R.3261) will be marked up (amended) in the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, I took this opportunity to write a blog post: "Congress determined to rob you of your medications and your voice!" that points out some of the bill's major flaws (and there are many).We invite you to chime in on the discussion by leaving comments in the box below the article.
As of now, the markup is not listed on the Committee's calendar. Be sure to check their site or ours later in the week for updated information.
Thanks for all you do,
Underdog = Don Jones
Thanks to my friend Steve Sauter, in Hersey Michigan, for this one !
Fiat Lux
"SOPA will literally kill online drug importation/Canada."
ReplyDeleteWhile you are correct that drug prices are exorbitant, be careful what you wish for...There are imported drugs out there that are fake and contain anything and everything you can imagine, and can kill you faster than your condition...