Wednesday, November 16, 2011

99% FRIEND ~ Senator Tom Harkin

Senator Harkin to Republicans: Focus on Jobs, Not Attacks on Workers’ Rights...
Contact Senator Harkin here >

Nov. 15, 2011
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is now and was founded to protect workers from unsafe employers !

At a time when working families are struggling to make ends meet and Americans are taking to the streets to protest the growing gap between the haves and have-not, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-S.D.) says congressional Republicans “are trying to convince Americans that the National Labor Relations Boarda small federal agency charged with defending workers’ rights—is somehow responsible for our nation’s economic woes.” In a column published today in The Hill newspaper, Harkin writes: Instead of continuing to pursue this pointless and distracting political crusade, it’s time for the House to get down to the hard work of rebuilding the middle class and moving America forward…with job-creation proposals that Americans overwhelmingly support. Click here for the full article.

Editorial : Amen !

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