Thursday, October 06, 2011

Tennessee Bridges are Deficient !

Cross Over the Bridge ?

A Letter from Richard Trumka

Contact your congressperson her >

In Tennessee, 1,225 bridges are deficient—and 4,827,711 vehicles cross those bridges every day. Meanwhile, 9.7 percent of Tennesseans are jobless.

With so many Tennesseans out of work and so many bridges and other pieces of critical infrastructure in need of work, there’s a simple solution: Congress must pass legislation putting jobless Americans to work fixing critical infrastructure—bridges, schools, roads, ports and more.

Tell your members of Congress: America is ready to get to work on our bridges, transit, rail, airports, highways, schools and the rest of our failing infrastructure.
These projects don’t just create good jobs for the people who do the original work—though that’s a big part of why they are important right now. They also make our economy perform better in the long term by increasing productivity. And they make America and our state better, safer places to live. Immediate work on Tennessee’s crumbling infrastructure is a start. But we also need to pass a fully funded surface transportation reauthorization and start now on even bigger projects—world-class communications and energy systems, high-speed rail and other infrastructure we need to be competitive in the 21st century.

Tell Congress: We need to fix our broken infrastructure and get started on even bigger projects, too—the world-class communications and energy systems, high-speed rail and other infrastructure we need to be competitive in the 21st century.
I haven’t been to China, though I hope to go soon. But I am told that when you fly to Shanghai, you land in a brand-new airport, you have high-speed broadband access from the moment you arrive and you can get on a high-speed train in the arrival terminal that will take you directly to downtown Shanghai at speeds faster than 100 miles per hour.

This just isn’t available in any U.S. city. But we can change that. We can meet these standards—and beat them. But only if our leaders rise to the challenge.

Thank you for all the work you do. Click on title of this article to contact congress.

In Solidarity,

Richard L. Trumka
President, AFL-CIO

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