The Goodyear/United Steelworkers Volunteer Employee Benefits Association ?
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By : Underdog = Don Jones...
This is aimed at my fellow retiree`s from Goodyear ! You and I are now in a VEBA(Health and Drug Coverage) plan operated by the United Steelworkers of America. It is still called The Goodyear VEBA ? I don`t know why ? As you know, we have no eye care coverage from the day we retire. When the premium runs out at the Union City Tennessee Plant, we will have no dental coverage. Now to the crux of this blog. Our "Prescription Drug" program. It is operated through Express Scripts Insurance.There are now, actually some drugs at Wal-Mart Pharmacy, cheaper than Express Scripts. Ask me why ? Insurance Company`s now run the health care programs in this country. Here is my point. If you are taking a prescription drug and it is a generic, check out Wal-Mart generic Drug list, you can do this on-line or go to a Wal-Mart Store/Pharmacy and they will give you one printed out. Some Drugs are $4.00 for a 30 day supply and $10.00 for a 90 day supply, some are even cheaper ! Express Scripts calls me almost everyday, wanting to switch me to their drug/purchase program. I do not. Inform your Wal-Mart Pharmacist to not run your generic drugs through Express Scripts ! You are paying cash,Not only will this save you money, it will save OUR VEBA money. I had a discussion with now retired, Jerry Ivey former P&I Rep. He is on the VEBA Board of Directors. He informed me that this could possibly save the VEBA millions of dollars. Saving myself/you money and saving the VEBA money at the sametime, makes all of us a winner ! The way the stock market is going, we need to save the VEBA all we can. If the VEBA goes broke, we have no Health Care Insurance. I urge you to check this out. If you have questions about this call me ! Don Jones (731-332-0603) or email me
The drug company KV was making a hefty profit at $15, then raised it to $1500. Also, when was the last time you've seen a pharmaceutical company actually lose money?
ReplyDeleteI have a big problem with a drug being developed here where the company gets financial aid from the government, big tax breaks for the R&D, then takes the opportunity to gouge the American people and then sells it outside the company under the previous $15 price that it sold for here.
Partly I blame the FDA since it seems to ignore safety studies done in other countries and has to have its own. Also, if a company makes the exact same drug and I can buy it in Canada for a couple cents per pill as opposed to a couple dollars per pill, where's the economy in that.
KV says it spent $250 million to make a drug that can be and has been mixed up in any pharmacy for years for $10 or so (even today), and it can make $4 billion on it, I like those odds and I'd make that bet in any casino.