Tell Congress to Stop Colombia, Korea, Panama Trade Deals
by Mike Hall, Jul 6, 2011
by Mike Hall, Jul 6, 2011
Congress and the White House are intent on ramming through three job-killing trade agreements. That’s why you need to tell your senators and representatives to stop the South Korea, Panama and Colombia free trade agreements and get to work promoting job growth in the United States, rather than offshoring American jobs.
Click here>; < to send them a message now. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka(upper left) says that similar trade deals like NAFTA, which has cost nearly 700,000 jobs and created a $97 billion trade deficit with Mexico, have been “a miserable failure for working people” and these new deals follow in NAFTA’s footsteps. Working people need to make our voices heard—and we need to fight hard. We need to be creating jobs—not passing agreements that will offshore more jobs and leave more communities behind. Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world for trade unionists, with one such murder occurring nearly every week–but their killers are seldom brought to justice. Says Trumka: I doubt very much Congress and the White House would be passing a trade deal with a country where a CEO was murdered every week. The proposed Korea trade deal would cost an estimated 159,000 U.S. jobs and according to trade experts who have studied the deal, its loopholes could open the doors for goods made in China or even sweatshops and North Korea, but labeled in South Korea. The Panama agreement contains most of the problems of the other two says Trumka, including deregulating big banks and letting foreign investors bypass U.S. health, safety labor and environmental laws. In addition, Panama is also a tax haven: a place where tax-dodging, money-laundering millionaires and billionaires hide their money. Click here to send message to your lawmakers to vote no on all three trade deals and click here> ; to join a Facebook Online Day of Action to Stop the FTAs.
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