Rep. Stephen Fincher(R) ~ District#8-Tennessee ...Useless !
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Records show Rep. Stephen Fincher raked in another $88,000 in crop payments from the federal government in 2010 — at the same time he was campaigning against government spending. During his career as a subsidy farmer, Mr. Fincher siphoned off $3,342,062 in tax dollars from the farm subsidy payouts, according to the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit consumer advocacy group. “Mr. Fincher is just another hypocrite who’s willing to slash spending for Medicare, women and children, but is happy to keep raking in tax dollars for himself,” said Chip Forrester, Chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party. “Mr. Fincher has shown us over and over again that his lips don’t tell the same story as his actions. “Mr. Fincher is feckless, pretending to be caught in a game. He says he’s just playing by the rules that Congress sets for farmers,” said Forrester. “But the fact remains, he had a chance to make meaningful changes to the farm program as a member of the House Agriculture Committee and he abandoned that post.”
Fincher Continues to Criticize Federal Spending While in Congress. “The federal government simply cannot afford to keep spending money that it does not have. Washington must begin living within its means.” [Fincher Press Release, 6/1/11]
Fincher Received $87,738 in Farm Subsidies in 2010. While running for Congress, Fincher received $87,738 in farm subsidies for Stephen and Lynn Fincher Farms. Stephen and Lynn Fincher farms have received $3,342,062 since 1997. According to his 2011 financial disclosure, Fincher earned $103,882 in farm income from Stephen and Lynn Fincher farms. [Environmental Working Group Farm Subsidy Database, accessed 6/23/11; 2011 Financial Disclosure, 6/16/11]
Fincher Had Received $3.2 million in Federal Farm Subsidies. “Other freshmen not on the Agriculture Committee have done even better by the feds. The farm owned by Tennessee Rep. Stephen Fincher and his wife, Lynn, has received $3,254,324 from 1995 through 2009.” [Politico, 6/12/11]
Fincher Received Additional State Subsidies. “Republican Stephen Fincher, who has spoken against government spending and ‘bailouts’ in his congressional campaign, applied for and received a $13,650 grant from the state Department of Agriculture last year, records show. The state grant is in addition to federal farm subsidies of at least $3.2 million he and his wife have received over the last 10 years.” [Commercial Appeal, 10/14/10]
Fincher Recently Gave Up Spot on the Agriculture Committee. “Fincher won a coveted appointment to the House Financial Services Committee — a move that forced him to give up his spot on the Agriculture Committee […] Fincher will no doubt reap the other great benefit of the Financial Services Committee: It’s a lot more lucrative to serve on a panel that interests banking lobbyists than on a panel that handles agriculture policy. Fincher was one of the better-funded first-time candidates in 2010.” [National Journal, 6/10/11]
Fincher Continues to Criticize Federal Spending While in Congress. “The federal government simply cannot afford to keep spending money that it does not have. Washington must begin living within its means.” [Fincher Press Release, 6/1/11]
Fincher Received $87,738 in Farm Subsidies in 2010. While running for Congress, Fincher received $87,738 in farm subsidies for Stephen and Lynn Fincher Farms. Stephen and Lynn Fincher farms have received $3,342,062 since 1997. According to his 2011 financial disclosure, Fincher earned $103,882 in farm income from Stephen and Lynn Fincher farms. [Environmental Working Group Farm Subsidy Database, accessed 6/23/11; 2011 Financial Disclosure, 6/16/11]
Fincher Had Received $3.2 million in Federal Farm Subsidies. “Other freshmen not on the Agriculture Committee have done even better by the feds. The farm owned by Tennessee Rep. Stephen Fincher and his wife, Lynn, has received $3,254,324 from 1995 through 2009.” [Politico, 6/12/11]
Fincher Received Additional State Subsidies. “Republican Stephen Fincher, who has spoken against government spending and ‘bailouts’ in his congressional campaign, applied for and received a $13,650 grant from the state Department of Agriculture last year, records show. The state grant is in addition to federal farm subsidies of at least $3.2 million he and his wife have received over the last 10 years.” [Commercial Appeal, 10/14/10]
Fincher Recently Gave Up Spot on the Agriculture Committee. “Fincher won a coveted appointment to the House Financial Services Committee — a move that forced him to give up his spot on the Agriculture Committee […] Fincher will no doubt reap the other great benefit of the Financial Services Committee: It’s a lot more lucrative to serve on a panel that interests banking lobbyists than on a panel that handles agriculture policy. Fincher was one of the better-funded first-time candidates in 2010.” [National Journal, 6/10/11]
Editorial : It seems that Rep. Fincher talks out of both sides of his mouth ! Tennesseans , you got what you asked for !
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