I/We Need Your Help, Aid & Assistance !
by: Underdog = Don Jones
by: Underdog = Don Jones
e-mail - donjones90@gmail.com
Union Hall Phone Number #731 -885-6641
I am appealing to those of you, who are affected by this Goodyear Union City Plant closure ! Those of you currently working on the floor of the plant, also Retiree`s, Please read carefully and remember what our goal is. Over the years, The residents and business people of Union City Tennessee and Obion County and the surrounding areas, have given us support in all of our legal endeavors, to better our place of employment. They have supported us with their prayers, thoughts, and food and drinks for us who manned the picket line`s ! They allowed us to not pay our bills on time. They extended credit to us ! They actually became extended family members ! They buy Goodyear Tires ! Now, it is our turn to show our appreciation to them, for all they have done for us ! Here is what we need. We need your Goodyear Employee Tire Coupons. We will then run a add in the newspaper, thanking them for 43 years of help aid and assistance ! And then inform them to come by the United Steelworkers Hall and pick up their coupons to purchase tires and get your/employee discount ! as way to say "THANK YOU" for all you have done over the last 43 years. I understand that Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company will reap some benefit$ from our action. Even though, that may be so, it is our unintended purpose. Our sole purpose is to say Thanks to those who need our appreciation the most. Won`t you please HELP ? Bring your unused Tire Coupons to the Union Hall ! Union Officers will man the tables to give these/your coupons away. As a employee/Retiree, It is our way of saying "Thank You" to you for all you have done for us ! We retiree`s will donate our tire coupons also ! Once we get enough Tire Coupons, we will announce a date to begin.
Sincerely & Fraternally Yours,
Don Jones, Retired Goodyear Union City TN.
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