When giving the Republicans’ opening remarks at the health care summit earlier this year, I told President Obama exactly what the health care reform bill would mean for Americans: “It means there will be about a half trillion dollars of new taxes in it. It means that for millions of Americans, premiums will go up, because when people pay those new taxes, premiums will go up, and they will also go up because of the government mandates.” I voted against the health care bill because it was—and is—an historic mistake. About six months after the bill became law, the Wall Street Journal reports that individuals’ premiums are already going up. I have already voted for legislation to repeal the new law, and if there is another motion to repeal it, I'll vote for it again. The wisest course now is repealing the law and replacing it with immediate insurance reforms and step-by-step reductions in health care costs so that more Americans can afford to buy insurance. For example, we should allow buying insurance across state lines; permit small businesses to join together to offer cheaper insurance to employees; limit junk lawsuits against doctors; reduce waste, fraud and abuse; and expand health savings accounts. Senators on my side of the aisle repeatedly urged these steps last year, before the bill became law. Now, we should repeal this law and replace it with sensible, thoughtful legislation to reduce your health care costs.
Alexander Op-Ed in the Tennessean: Health-care law must be reworked
Click here to read it. http://alexander.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?
Friday, November 05, 2010
Tennessee`s Lamar Alexander (R) Opposes Healthcare ! ?
We Should Repeal the New Health Care Law and Replace It With Step by Step Reductions in Health Care Costs ?
by : Senator Lamar Alexander (R) Tennessee
Editorial : I bet, Senator Alexander has the best healthcare insurance, that we/tax-payers can buy him ! Please read above carefully, he is not advocating to do it better, he`s advocating no healthcare for you and I at all ! I know, lets limit his healthcare insurance, perhaps he`ll change his mind ? Did you notice, he is taking care of his Dr. friends...so you can`t sue him/her ! Step by Step Reductions ? Poor Tennesseans, they just keep electing Lamar ? Why ? Notice any similarity in the pics above ?
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