Reform for Wall Street & Banks ? You Bet`cha !
by Don Jones...4/22/10
I listened to our President on television, asking for our elected officials to reform Wall-Street and our Banks,that are to big to fail ? He sounded rational and reasonable. I agree with him, these institutions need to be reformed. It seems that our Banks have become little more than loan sharking institutions. Wall-Street a huge casino. I do not believe that this should happen or allowed to happen. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had this same problem as does President Obama ! History does repeat itself. Banks do not respect us and are raising their interest rates, fees, and charges all they can, not all they need, before more stringent regulations kick in early 2010. Perhaps we all should join Credit Unions since they can only raise Credit Card interest to 18% ? Have you ever thought about keeping your money in a coffee can and bury it in the backyard ? These days it seems like a pretty good idea ? I have a passbook savings account at a local bank, so I can put money in or take it out, when I want too. I noticed the other day it was paying a whopping 0.30% interest ! Not too good ! I hope and pray that our politicians will help aid and assist our President to reform our Banks and Wall-Street ? I`m also hoping that our next reform will be our Trade policy`s! "God Bless America"!
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