Saturday, January 23, 2010

Health Care Stopped by Republican Minority !

Republican Minority ~ Kills Health Care Reform !
By Don Jones = Underdog

I have been watching this so called debate on Health Care, in the Congress and the Senate ! I`m at a loss ? I do not understand ! Then a light turns on ! The health care/insurance/lobby money is buying votes and influence. Now, the Supreme Court has ruled that corporations are unfettered to spend all the money they wish, to buy up their/congressional votes ! It seems that the American middle class is doomed. I have been an optimist most of my life. I am no longer an optimist. I have been told that, Unions can now do the same thing. That`s true. However, compared to corporations, unions are mere paupers. In other words, Union money compared to corporate money is like a drop of water in the ocean. Corporations can buy and sell us and anyone else to get their laws passed, and they will ! When George W. Bush had an opportunity to pack the court with two new Justices, he did ! Both Republican ! The Court is now (5) conservative and (4) progressive. Guess what ? American middle class loses again. The Republican minority is still running the country. Not by the majority votes they once had, but by the minority votes they now have. I would not have thought this possible, I was wrong ! They just say no to any of President Obama`s plans to reform, not only health care, but anything he try`s to accomplish. Senator Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky is the minority leader. He has kept his troops in lock step to oppose anything the Democrats offer ! McConnell could care less about the middle class ! I know this, if health care reform is not accomplished. The things that are so desperately wrong with this country will not get any better. As I see it,(1.) Health Care, (2.)Trade, (3.)Wall-Street and (4.) Manufacturing are the most important items to be reformed. What can be done ? President Obama must begin by going to the American people and telling them, like it is. He must become President Franklin D. Roosevelt and tell the lobbyist and the Republicans things they have not heard before ! America can only survive by his strength. President Obama is a great orator. Action and deeds are needed to back up the oration !

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