Friday, November 13, 2009

Unfair Trade, Ya Think ?

U.S. Taxpayers to Give Over $425 Million to Create Over 2,000 Jobs in China...

Chinese Manufacturer Claims "This is Just the Beginning"

Recent news revealed that the developer of a planned Texas wind farm is seeking – and expects to receive – more than $425 million in stimulus funds for the project. The wind farm is estimated to create a few-hundred temporary construction jobs along with about 30 ongoing jobs in the United States. Meanwhile, it is expected to create more than 2,000 jobs in China. That’s because a Chinese firm will be the exclusive supplier of the wind turbines for the project. China Artificially Lowers the Cost of their Exports, While U.S. Producers Struggle In case after case, China is continually found to provide massive subsidies to its domestic manufacturers along with other tactics to undercut U.S. producers. Consider that while China’s wind-turbine producing industry grows, in the first three quarters of 2009, there were 33 percent fewer announcements of U.S. wind turbine factory expansions compared to 2008.China plans on continuing their investments in the U.S. renewable industry in order to create a market for their manufacturers. Lu Jinxiang, an executive involved with the West Texas deal, was recently quoted as saying that “this is just the beginning” and the U.S. is “an ideal target” given our desire to promote renewable energy. We Can’t Afford to Give Up Good-Paying Manufacturing Jobs Unemployment now stands above 10 percent. Adding in those who have stopped looking or are not working as much as they would like takes the rate above 17 percent. Now is the time to make a real commitment to American jobs through a solid policy to promote manufacturing, as so many other nations already have. We need to get our country and our communities back on track. Green jobs can help reinvigorate the U.S. manufacturing base and provide quality, sustainable jobs for millions of Americans while promoting a cleaner environment. The stimulus bill was supposed to spark this activity – not create green jobs overseas. These wind turbines, their main components and other “green” products, can be made in the US – at least for the moment. It’s time to rethink our policies and renew our commitment to quality jobs in the U.S. Get Ready To Act ! We will NEVER just sit by and quietly watch this happen! Rapid Response will let you know how you can take action within a few days to help us try and stop this further export of U.S. jobs and taxpayer dollars to China!

1 comment:

  1. First, sir, the Texas wind farm is SUBSIDIZED by the $425 million, meaning it can't succeed in a free market, so the money used to start the project was taken out of taxpayer's pockets, by force, not by investors, so this starts out as a loser!! The constructions jobs are a farce: once again, from the taxpayer. All government jobs are consumptive, not productive, sir, so it is already a tax hog. The 2000 jobs created in China reflect the FACT that the wind turbines are not feasible to be produced here. Either way you look at it, those projects should be done privately, with voluntary private funds, not forcibly, from taxpayer funds. For all the complaining that Democrats do about big oil "subsidies," which really are just "tax breaks," big wind is a huge SUBSIDY. For that matter, why don't Democrats complain about the "subsidies" for GE? GE paid no federal income taxes last year, did you know that? Why the double standard? Insofar as the subsidies China offers it's manufacturers, yes, you are correct that we are not on a level playing field. That DOES need to be addressed, but the fact that we are even using taxpayers money in the first place is an abuse of the taxpayer's money. When wind farms are PROFITABLE, they can do whatever they want, but at this stage, they simply are not, sir. When solar panels can pay for themselves, we will ALL use them, but they simply are not.
    Green jobs overall, sir, are not profitable, and there's LOTS of evidence to support that, and I will be happy to point you in the right direction if you would like to read about it for yourself.


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