Friday, October 16, 2009

Health Care & A Public Option...10/16/09

As Insurance Industry Continues Its Campaign of Lies…

Obama administration officials and Congressional Democrats fired back on Monday at a misleading insurance industry report that said premiums would climb sharply with the passage of comprehensive health legislation. The report, by Price Waterhouse Coopers, was attacked on several fronts. White House officials said the industry had ignored features of the bill that would lower costs for consumers, like subsidies for people who could not afford insurance. Nancy-Ann DeParle, director of the White House Office of Health Reform, said she was surprised by the report because she met last week with Karen Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), which commissioned the report, and they vowed to work together. Price Water house Coopers acknowledged that numbers in the report could be misconstrued. "America's Health Insurance Plans engaged Price water house Coopers to prepare a report that focused on four components of the Senate Finance Committee proposal," the company said in a statement. "As the report itself acknowledges, other provisions that are part of health reform proposals were not included in the PwC analysis." For example, Finance Committee aides said, the study assumes that a proposed 40% fee on insurers that offer high-cost insurance, and more than $100 billion in taxes on the health care industry, will be passed directly onto consumers without forcing any kind of behavioral changes by individuals or companies. In essence, the study looked at the worst-case scenario and failed to consider mitigating forces such as tax credits to purchase insurance, Democrats said. “The misleading and harmful claims made by the profit-driven insurance companies are politicking for corporate gain at its worst,” Sen. John Rockefeller (D-WV) said in a statement. “Their recent statements only further highlight that our focus here in Congress must be on the inclusion of a public health insurance option in the marketplace to protect families and put more money back in their wallets by creating greater competition and driving down costs.”

Editorial : Without a Public Option, there is no competition ! The Insurance company`s have no competitor`s. That`s not good for you and I !

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