Thursday, January 01, 2009

Life is Precious ! A Letter to/for "Linda"!

A Letter for Linda...1/01/09

It seems that the older I get, the more valuable life becomes! I`m not sure why ? Perhaps it is merely the reality that it is close to the ending of it, or that one has finally learned what is most valuable in life. I learned on December 29,2008 that my one and only sibling, my Sister has terminal cancer, and that it is a matter of days before her life is finished here on earth ! Linda has been fighting this cancer for about eight(8)months now, she has fought the good fight. It is now time for her family to accept this fact and make what they can of it ? There is one good thing in all of this, she is a practicing Christian. She will be in a better place ! To her husband Jerry, I say, what a wonderful Husband and Father you are ! You have stayed with her night and day and fought along side of her in this quest to avoid death. You too have fought the good fight. To her five(5) sons, I say "Thanks Guys" you too are wonderful young men. You helped aided and assisted where ever you could. Count your blessings, you had her for such a longtime. How fortunate you are/were ! Her memory will be like a blessing of life, in that you can draw on it, as you will. This writer is her one and only Brother, I can remember when we fought as all brothers and sisters do. How precious are the memory`s ! I`m not sure exactly when it happened, but we became not only friends, but close ! I`m afraid that I`ve not taken this as well, as I might have ? My eyes seem closer to my heart than they once were. You see, I too loved her. Linda' Thanks for being my Sister and all that being a sister entails. I know that when you pass from this life to heaven, what a day of reunion that will be ! Being what we are as human beings, we want to keep you here ! We know, we must let you go. it is just so difficult to do. With deep and lasting love, I remain

Your Brother, D.V. = Don

Update : My Sister Linda, passed away this morning Sunday 1/04/09 at 5:30 am. She went peacefully in her sleep...she just stopped breathing ! What a wonderful reunion took place in heaven this morning. Amen !


  1. Don, I'm so sorry.
    Wishing your sister safe passage and your family peace through this difficult time.

  2. Don,
    Just read your letter to Linda and there can be no greater tribute to a sister than your letter. I share in the thoughts of loosing her and have had and will continue to keep you and your family along with Linda and family in my prayers.
    Your Mom and Dad would be proud of both of you and I know they are looking down on you both!

  3. Don, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. My prayers are with your family.


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