Keep it Made in America
Dear Don,
The Whirlpool Corp. is closing a refrigerator manufacturing plant in Evansville, Ind., putting more than 1,100 people out of work. Even worse, Whirlpool will continue to produce these refrigerators, but not in Evansville and not anywhere else in America. They are planning to manufacture them in Mexico, where weaker labor and environmental laws make them "cheaper" for Whirlpool to produce.This is outrageous and unacceptable, especially in light of Whirlpool's profitability and the $19 million dollars in economic recovery money Whirlpool recently received from the federal government as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Those are OUR economic recovery funds, not Mexico's.To protest Whirlpool's decisions and demand good jobs in America, I'm heading to Evansville next Friday to rally and march with local workers and labor leaders--and I'd like you to join me. No, I'm not asking you to join me in person, but I Would like you to sign a petition in solidarity with the Evansville workers for me to deliver to Whirlpool's management.Click here to sign our petition to Whirlpool: Keep It Made in America: Save Our Jobs:http://www.unionvoice.org/campaign/evansville/wxews8b447dmjbi6?Too many people have lost their jobs. Too many jobs have been sent overseas. Enough is enough. Whirlpool's management can't take our money, shut down our factories and lay off our workers.It's not acceptable--and together we're going to deliver a loud and clear message to Whirlpool: Keep It Made in America and Save Our Jobs. Sign our petition today:http://www.unionvoice.org/campaign/evansville/wxews8b447dmjbi6 ?Tell your friends to sign the petition in solidarity :http://www.unionvoice.org/campaign/evansville/forward/wxews8b447dmjbi6?Together we will fight against corporate greed and for good jobs. Together we will rebuild the American economy, because everyone deserves a good job NOW!
In solidarity,
Richard L. Trumka AFL-CIO President
P.S. Please sign the petition today:
http://www.unionvoice.org/campaign/evansville/wxews8b447dmjbi6?. Our power is in our numbers. Together we can make a difference.--------------------------------------------------